Expanding consciousness to infinity and beyond!

Welcome to the New Choice Paradigm

Welcome to the New Choice Paradigm

So now that all of you have arrived safely in a place of major transition this space your in now is going to be a bit rocky at first as you learn to make choices and actions from truth for the first time as a race of beings in thousands and thousands of years, as we progress as a race what will happen is the truth is going to be coming out in stages and its very very important you understand this is the NCP, before the NCP the same awareness and ability wasn’t capable and thus the choices that were made were done so in greed and many other lower games, this being said understand they were the best games that could be played inside the game itself and lead us to a place where greater choice and responsibility could be formed through the lessons and “mistakes” of those who came before us, we are going to have major energy spikes starting on the 7th which will intensify to shake free the remaining guilt and shame of our past and our judgements of others, this will reach a boiling point around the 18th and a boil over point on the 21st. during these spikes its very important to pause ground and forgive, as mentioned above this time is not for judgement but instead forgiveness as we begin to see the truth around what has happened in and around us both on a world stage and a very personal one, their is going to be a real fire inside you and you may want to make others wrong or fight back, but who we were as a race and who our gov and who our friends and who we are isn’t that anymore, its very important you don’t lock yourself in the games of the past and instead work towards the games of the future it is our job as wayshowers to hold this space for the world so they may know choice once more.

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